Pradhanmantri Scholarship Yojana


Education is the right of every citizen. Nowadays many scholarships are started for those citizens of India who cannot get an education due to lack of money. Financial assistance is provided for the education of children of middle-class and poor families. The Prime Minister's Scholarship Scheme also provides financial assistance for education. This scheme has been started by the Central Government and through this scheme, scholarship is given to certain people. 

In PM Scholarship Yojana, boys get 30,000 rupees and girls get 36,000 rupees scholarship every year. Who can apply for this, here detailed information about the required qualification, documents, and how to apply is given below. 


How to apply? 

               For Pradhanmantri Scholarship Yojana 2023, students will be able to apply online. To apply here, first, you have to go to the official website of the Central Army Board The complete procedure to apply is mentioned below through a few steps.

·        First, go to the website.

·        Then click on the registration

·         Upload your own photos

·        Fill out the application form with all the required information

·        Verify all the information and click on Submit.


Who can apply?

Under the Pradhan Mantri Scholarship Scheme, the Central Military Board Secretariat, Ministry of Defense, Department of Ex-Servicemen, Government of India will provide scholarships to the children of Ex-Servicemen, Ex-Coast Guard personnel, and their widowed wives. And the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology and the Government of India, together with the Central Armed Police Forces, Assam Rifles, will provide scholarships to the children of police personnel who were martyred in the Naxal terrorist attacks.


Prime Minister's Scholarship Scheme Selection Process

  •       Ex-servicemen and Coast Guard members killed in a terrorist or any other activity.
  •     Children of disabled ex-servicemen in military and guard service, coast guard, and disabled in terrorist activities.
  •      Children of servicemen killed in military and coast guard service.
  •        Children of soldiers disabled during military and coast guard service.
  •      Children of ex-servicemen who have received gallantry awards.

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